- The favor on my carrer will not be seasonal daily the Lord will laod me with Benefits Pray
- Pastor Jerry Eze Prays We decree the favor on your life will not be seasonal
- NSPPD- 8TH APRIL 2022 We decree enter into your favor every second minute house in Jesus name
- Pastor Jerry Eze Prays for ever brains, I see issues in your brain I decree let it be reversed
- You have suffered Toberculouses we decree as your Amen thunder I command Thubaerculouses disappear by fire in Jesus name AMEN AMEN AMEN AMEN DISAPPER AMEN
- There is a man few days when you go to urinate you urinate Blood, put it on the screen after this NSPPD DEclaration go back it will not be there- Oh ye satanic Affliction, what are you doing in that body? Disdpaper by fire in jesus name
- NSPPD- 8TH APRIL 2022 Why have they exchanged the brain of your child? your child does not remember anything, the Lord is opening my Eyes Pastor Jerry Eze I see yous end this child he forgets, this child is not up to 12 years only yesterday if you are the woman drop a comment about this story by the Power that raises Jesus from the dead let this affliction break in Jesus name. We send back that arow wherever it came back to the sender. The rod of the wicked will not fall on the righteous we command let it break AMEN AMEN AMEN
- Pastor Jerry Eze Prays I Hear the Lord say Don’t make any sacrifices, they are asking you to do a sacrifice the Lord is saying Don’t do it.
- There is a young woman I see you in the spirit you slept with a man, from that day, I see you were pregnant you slept with the man and you lost your pregnancy you see this man always in a dream, it looks like you going mad as he keeps sleeping with you in your dream and he laughs at you, you resign from your Job what is happening to you, if you are that women drop a comment on this post. The Lord is visiting you now. I command let this Evil break in Jesus’ name
- NSPPD- 8TH APRIL 2022 Oh Lord, I announce the Visibility of my career. visibility on my business, Oh Lord I announce, your career shall be visible, Evil coverings around my career or ministry fire fire fire fire fire fire open your mouth aksharabababab ikatalabarabababa seak in tongues shatatatat
- Pastor Jerry Eze Prays -I don’t know this woman since January you don’t enjoy your relationship with your children they even block you, a certain alter has blocked what you should be reaping, as your Amen thunder I decree and declare in this NSPPD LET IT BREAK in Jesus
- I hear the Lor say miraculous Death cancellation in Jesus’ name
- Funding for your business, investors are coming to AMEN AMEN receive it right now in 24 hour let sales increase in JESUS NAME
- In 24 hours let protocols break be promoted you let your Amen Thunder
- Whatever you have written down that you want to see in your career, I command let them appear in JESUS NAME
- Anybody wispering evil to your Helpers we command them to be removed in Jesus’ name
- Pastor Jerry Eze Prays – The Lord makes you stronger, what nobody has ever achieved in that business you be number 1, the grace is on you receive it right now. I announce you are rightly positioned in Jesus’ name
- You are exempted from others
- Accelerated favor
- That document they will sign today
- the days on your small is over grace is speaking in Jesus name
- Let your Amen thunder seven-time AMEN AMEN AMEN AMEN AMEN AMEN AMEN