NSPPD live 13th MAY 2022
New Season Prophetic Prayers and Declaration NSPPD live 13th MAY 2022
- Today The Lors shall prepare for you a table in the presence of your enemies
- Today no matter the Enemy standing before my table must be prepared before me No matter who is fighting or opposing me my table must be prepared today I called forth my table appear appear appear by fir by fire
- I declare that table that the Lord has prepared to bring your joy to the place of completion, in other to accelerate your life I decree let it appear in Jesus’ name
- NSPPD live 13th MAY 2022
- If you are under the sound of my voice struggling financially that there is an attack on your finances get on your Knees wherever you are by the power that raises Jesus from the dead any arrow against your finances be removed in Jesus’ name
- Today I carry the mantle of relevance
- Any idea the enemy stole from you to put you under financial difficulty I command let it break break break break break by fire in Jesus name
- By the word of the Lord stretch forth your two hands in the same way Jesus stretch forth the hand of petter as he was sinking in the waters I see the Lord pulling you right now in Jesus name
- You are pulled out of financial difficulty in Jesus’ name.
- Declare I have arisen out of every financial difficulty in Jesus’ name
- You are preparing for a second surgery in your neck today I declare let it be reversed in Jesus name
- I dont know who you are they seized your license in the next 40 days your license shall be given back to you in Jesus’ name Amen
- IT IS MY TIME AND MY TURN out of my belly shall flow rivers of living water
- Call your name {Jerry Eze} Let it flow out my belly shall flow rivers of water whatever that is blocking it out of my life any power blocking my flow fire fire fire fire NSPPD 7 AFIRE PRAYERS NOW
- NSPPD live 13th MAY 2022
- used anything ad put it on any alter in other to make an incantation, as you say Amen whatever they design for you I announce may they eat there wickedness we return it back to them in Jesus name
- There is a woman who they say your child is not forming will in the womb go back to the hospital again do the same scan, as your Amen thunder I command let your baby be fully formed in Jesus name
- It is my time it is my turn protocol shall break for me
- It is my time it is my turn from glory to glory strength to strength
- Those that appear in zion shall move from strength to strength I announce Move from strenth to strenth power to power to power grace to grace receive it receive it in Jesus name NSPPD live 13th MAY 2022
- Yesterday will never be better than your today in Jesus’ name
- The more they fight you the more you rise
- NSPPD Let your Amen thunder in Jesus name