NSPPD LIVE Jerry Eze 18TH APRIL 2022
New Season Prophetic Prayers and Declaration [NSPPD] – 18TH APRIL 2022
What God Cannot Do Does not Exist
- Today i decare, I am due for a new season
- I am due for the Better can I hear your Amen
- I am due for the Brighter
- Today any power that vow that I will remain in my former position you are a lier
- Any power that wants to watch me to remain in my former season, I break out by fire in Jesus name
- Today NSPPD Healing and deliverance
- From today I announce let that Lump or Turmoil in your heart last time you went they said it is growing, is there no balm in Gillied? by the power that raise Christ from the dead let it disappear, by the time you get back to the hospital if you will not keep back your testimony you will not see that turmoil again
- There is a family the Deliverance power of God is torching that family, people dropping suddenly you have counted 4 persons that drop dead, no accident they just drop dead, Deliverance is entering that family, let it be cut down, Power of sudden death let it bow in Jesus name
- I announce you are delivered
- I don’t know who needs this one but your morning will not suddenly become night, your light will not suddenly become darkness
- Any arrangement any enchantment to turn your morning to nIght, light to darkness, they are broken in Jesus name
- Today, any stubborn pursuer, I don’t know who you are your nails are falling off, if this is you i command in two days i announce let there be regrowth of those nails Amen
- I dont know who you are someone defrauded another person with your Identity you are crying Lord Vindicate me, exonerate me unless is no God in Heaven, IN 7 Days you will be exonerated
- Someone say today is this day of deliverance, however, wherever I have cooperated with the devil Today I say NO, I break out
- Anyone under the sound of my voice suffering under the arrow of attack I command let it break, let your Amen Thunder
- Anyone under my voice suffering from any nervous system challenge I command let it break
- Wherever you are, share the post link on your social media, click the share button to share the NSPPDDAILY.COM website let people know what is happening here live
- Whatever is planted in my body spiritually I shake it off by fire by fire by fire
- Whatsoever that is planted in my career, spiritually or physically, I shake it off by fire by fire
- The Bible says whatever that is not planted by my father be rooted out
- As I declare you will Scream I shake it up by fire – In Jesus name – I SHAKE IT OFF BY FIRE
- I dont know what this is, any blocked artery we command open up right now in Jesus name
- I dont know who you are the Lord say let your mind go away from suicide The Lord say I will deliver you from the Egyptians you see NSPPD Let your Amen thunder
- Somone is under a satanic manipulation, you will prepare to say something when you open your mouth you start saying another thing, the person know what am saying but whatever that affliction it let it break by fire BREAK BREAK BREAK LET YOUR AMEN THUNDER
- SOMONE in your dream THEY took away something from your body from that day one sickness to another, if you are the one drop your testimony on the comment box any mystery behind that affliction it is broken by fire
- I hear the voice of a mother, asking is this how my son will go blind?
- I see the tears of another person who is supposed to start Kemotheraphy the Lord says i will show up for you
- I pray for that family saying is this how my son will go blind? Every affliction set against those Eyes let it be reversed In Jesus name
- Let your Amen Rise Let your Amen thunder in this NSPPD FOR TODAY prayer in Jesus’ name
- Today we Declare any power established generations past against your family you powers we command scatter by Fire in Jesus name
- Any sacrifice that was made against your family today we lay hold of the sacrifice of Jesus and we command demonic sacrifce be nullufied by fire in JESUS NAME
- We command enter your deliverance, enter your celebration
- No more negativity in your family
- You will not harvest evil you did not participate in
- Let your Amen rise , Let your Amen thunder NSPPD
I don’t have comment but i want God to make me living testimony enough of the tribulation