New Season Prophetic Prayers and Declaration [NSPPD] – 15TH APRIL 2022

  • Arise oh God let Every Evil identity scatter let every delay be scattered open your mouth NSPPD TODAY and pray
  • Anybody under the sound of my voice whenever you get to the finish line there be silence you will not hear from them by the power that raise Jesus from the dead let it tear in Jesus name let your Amen rise
  • I dont know what is wrong with you but your scrotum is larger than its size 7 times if you are the one Change has come
  • I don’t know who you are your husband had a heart attack but he is not dead – By the power that raise Jesu from the dead I decree let Him come out in Jesus’ name
  • Oh Lord go behind the scene Father whatsoever that is happening behind the scene that is not in my favor, Oh Lord overturn it in my favor in Jeus name
  • Any gathering behind the Scene oh Lord overturn it in Jesus name
  • Every part of your body is shaking it was not happening before you are asking yourself what manner of affliction is this and sometimes you wake from sleep you discover your body shaking by the Poer in Jesus name I announce whatever it is let it be broken by fire  BREAK BREAK BREAK BREAK BREAK Let your Amen thunder
  • My family member, what are you doing on the same level day to day month to month? your time has come right now I push you to a higher lever, enter your next season by fire by fire by fire by fire open your month and pray
  • PASTOR MRS DECLARE = We decree arise and shine for your light has come, today we decree by the force of heaven your family enter your season of laughter enter your season of Joy we push you to your mountain of visibility, let them rise
  • Oh Lord let the best of my family burst out in Jesus name LEt your Amen thunder
  • My family members hear the word of God, today cross that line of limitation, cross that line of confinement cross cross cross in Jesus name by fire  by fire  by fire
  • I Announce at the sound of your Amen cross the Line by fire
  • I SEE LIGHTin my family I see Light in my family
  • I don’t know the family am but there is this family they took your names and out under a stone wherever they are I command that seal break break break break
  • Wherever you are the prayer is entering another Dimension share this post now copy the link and send it to everyone, who is like our God?
  • I see some die by accident, why are you killing the males of your family if you this family under this siege drop a comment after this post, whenever you are i command that power to break in Jesus name
  • I see this lump around your private pard it covers the whole area i command let this lump disappear
  • The Hour has come to bring you out your two hands I am about to prophesy
  • Ever, pregnant woman, you will not loos your baby, I reverse every negativity in Jesus name
  • Stretch forth your hand, I announce that thing your family is expecting I command it to enter your hand right now in Jesus name
  • We decree let the money enter your hand, let resources enter, let the Husband or wife enter
  • Wherever you have looked and there is lack we decree your story has changed in Jesus name
  • We decree carry your answers by fire, carry your congratulations by fire
  • Le the call of Good news enter right now
  • Any Power that has arisen that you will not carry what the Lord has designed for your family at the sound of your men I Decree let it break by fire let your Amen thunder

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