- I pray for you let everything align, let your amen thunder
- Say it is my time its my turn the Lord has prepared a table before me in the presence of my enemies My cup runs over by fire by fire by fire open your mouth in today’s NSPPD 7AM Fire Prayers
- I see two of your children whose spine is not straight I announce by the blood let that spine be straight in Jesus name
- It is my time it is my turn I announce the battle is over in Jesus’ name
- Any battle that is against my life bow by fire pray pray NSPPD
- Lift up your hand say It is my turn today i announce beauty for ashes, where your garment of celebration by fire by fie NSPPD pray now
- Every garment of shame tear by fire garment of sorrow tear by fire. I command wear your garment of celebration in Jesus name
- I dont know who you are they say there is a growth in your heart makashababrab I pray for you put it on the comment box if you are the one, by the power that raises Jesus from the dead i command let that growth disappear in Jesus name
- I see a growth in your eye I se the growth shifting your eye balls, if you are the one put it on the comment box on this post nsppddaily.com I command in the name of Jesus let that yoke break by fire by fire in Jesus name
- Today I announce it is my time and my turn right now any spoiler around my life around my destiny any spoiler around my children right now fire fire frie nsppd open your mouth and pray in today’s NSPPD prayer alter
- Powers that have vowed to spoil your miracles I command them to break by fire break break break NSPPD let your Amen thunder
- It is my time and my turn decree it – I announce the Lord has made a way today I command every iron gate break open by fire by fire
- Say it is my time and my turn by my God I leap over every mountain let your Amen thunder
- I dont know who this woman is but they say your baby is dead in the womb but I command let that baby return back by fire by thunder
- NYSSP carry your accelerated promotion In Jesus’ name let your Amen rise
- Lift up your two hands mention your name Jerry Eze you will not see shame you not see regret It is my time it is my turn my joyful days are here
- The ord is showing people with HIV mercy I command HIV to disappear by fire – It is my time and my turn
- Today I announce, I declare i will no longer run around in circles powers that keep men in the same circles I break out I break out by fire by fire in Jesus’ name NSPPD open your mouth and pray
- Wherever you are that you are stock I decree you are breaking by fire wherever that yoke has kept you in the same circle I command you break off let your Amen thunder let your Amen be loud in the next 3 days you shall be miraculously celebrated
- I announce let every impossibility bow because it is your time and your turn
- hear me as I hear the Lord shame is canceled, shame is canceled NSPPD Let your Amen rise louder in Jesus’ name
- I dont know who you are but your baby was born with a blocked reproductive organ but God is saying by this time tomorrow that organ be open , let the surgery be performed by the Lord
- It is my time it is my turn I announce my helpers are coming they are coming to me my helpers are coming to me let your Amen rise
- Receive your helpers in Jesus’ name NSPPD let your Amen rise
- The Prayer is entering another level copy this post link share it all over to people to join this website nsppddaily.com
- Call your name {Jerry Eze} It is your time to run into your celebration in Jesus’ name