NSPPD LIVE Healing and Deliverance – 3nd MAY 2022
New Season Prophetic Prayers and Declaration [NSPPD] – 3
nd MAY 2022
NSPPD LIVE Healing and Deliverance – 3nd MAY 2022
- Arise Oh Lord my Enemies be scattered
- Arise oh Lord let enchantment delay be scattered
- Arise Oh Lord Let rising and falling scatter IN JESUS’s name
- I don’t know who you are but I see Cancer of the bone I command them to disappear right now in Jesus’ name
- Let your Amen rise
- The Lord has asked me to speak against partial deafness and full deafness let it diaper right now in Jeuss name
- Today I am delivered from old challenges in Jesus name
- The Lord is my light and my salvation whom shall I fear
- Today I am delivered from old Battles, I am delivered
- Today any power that shall carry old battles into my new you are a lier wherever you are operating FIRE FIRE FIRE FIRE
- I COMMAND old battles break by fire break break break
- Old battles will not cross over to your new in Jesus’ name
- Pastor Jerry Declare-I don’t know who you are but twice you have gotten the same report as your Amen will thunder those reports are changing In Jesus name
- Today powers that scatter at the time of my celebration, powers that rise at the time of my congratulations, what are you doing catch fire
- Powers that arise in the season of my Joy what are you doing? Wherever you are fire
- Today I speak against powers that have arisen to speak against what the Lord is doing in your life in Jesus’ name
- Today deliverance have come, healing have come in my life in NSPPD Daily fire prayers
- I don’t know who you are I see rashes all over your body the more you scratch it the more it produces water, you have used medication no way, if you are the one drop a comment in the comment box we command that infirmity disappear in Jesus name
- Sword of God’s deliverance locate every hidden thing, locate ugly patterns, the sword of the Lord locate affliction, the sword of God’s deliverance locate Evil covering, locate whatsoever that has followed my destiny right now cut them don by fire by fire cut down! NSPPD Today open your Mouth and pray
- I don’t know who God is reversing a negativity for- God is telling me it got to your turn they start changing everything and its no longer in your favor But the Lord saying whatever they have changed to be against you we reverse it by fre
- Pastor Jerry Declare – I don’t know you you are in the NSPPD prayer you are afraid to die at 45 the devil is a lier you will not die but live to declare the works of the Lord in the Land of the living
- Pastor Ugoh NSPPD PRAYER Declare – SWORD OF gODS DELIVERENC LOCATE ANCIENT PATTERNS cut the down by fire, every source of pain cut down by fire maskakata
- Negative patterns you see before you shall see them no more in Jesus’ name
- Arrow of death I command you break by fire, break by fire Let your Amen thunder louder NSPPD
- The healing power of God is coming on anyone with lums I command let it disappear by fire in Jesus’ name
- I don’t know who you are you took a wrong drug and now you are taking medication to cure the wrong drug you took I dont know who you are I decree let that negativity be reversed by fire in Jesus name
- Let every NSPPDian thunder FIRE FIRE FIRE
- Every foundation of negativity, that issues from your father’s house, that stubborn challenges let tit be reversed in Jesus name
- Pastor Jerry Declare-There is a little child they say the Child has cancer of the stomach if you are the mother or father put it on the chatbox we reverse it by fire
- I am in the month of result
- I am in the Month of evidence I announced YOU will not be covered in Jesus’ name
- Powers that cover MEN have you not heard put your name {Jerry Eze} Every covering over my life and destiny FIRE FIRE FIRE NSPPD PRAYER LIVE OPEN YOUR MOUTH AND PRAY ashalabarbababa taatata
- Today I announce I am leaving where I am right now – Any power that has vow I will remain where I am you are lier – shout the siege has been broken!!!!
- Powers that have vowed that I will remain where I am or my family call fire on them
- Whosoever burry a live Goat in order to make you irrelevant in life and destiny I command let them be scattered by fie by fire by fire
- I don’t know the woman I see in the spirit your two children developed seizures who can battle with your God nobody rababakakarabab whatever it is whatever arrow I declare let it be broken by Fire break break break your children re delivered in JESUS NAME
- I don’t know who needs this prayer- As your hands are lifted when the time of your help comes you will be strategically positioned, you will be at the right place at the right time in Jesus name
- The Lord said I should tell you to come out of those bad influences in your Life the Lord is saying you should come out of them, what eyes have not seen or ears heard the Lord said he has great plans for you
- Enter your season of More by fire more grace, more favor, more promotion, more open heaven financial release enter you more in Jesus’ name
- I hear the Lord say separate yourself He has a plan for you, He has an agenda for you
- Oh Lord deliver me from the expectations of the Wicked
- Oh Lord, my father, Abbah father deliver me from the expectations of the wicked
- Any plan, plot of the wicked against my life whatever you doing? wherever you are, FIRE FIRE FIRE
- People, of God, click on the share button of this prayer blog nsppddaily.com share it to all social media all over let people see the prayer points and pray them
- Any area of my life where there are darknes I come as light I declare let there be Light in Jesus name Pray now
- NSPPD PASTOR KAY DECLARE – We speak to every area of afliction in your life and family we command Let there be light
- NSPPD PASTOR KAY DECLARE – Every darkness of miscarriage we dealer let there be light
- Every darkness in your career every darkness in your business prevailing over your children we declare let there be Light in Jesus’ name
- As your Amen will thunder we declare the light of God will enter your business and we command let your celebration appear by fire, carry it with a loud Amen Amen
- Pastor Jerry Declare – Between now and the 25 of May there will be no bad news in your family Everbody is covered by fire in Jesus’ name
- Pastor Jerry Declare – Any Leg of a giant pressing the head of the male members of any family by the power that raises Jesus from the dead let the snare break in Jesus name
- Repeated miscarriages its is over in Jesus’ name
- Deliverance is coming for a young woman, whenever men start coming to seek your hand in marriage A strange man comes to sleep with you in your dream you won’t hear from those suitors again the devil is a lier your deliverance is come in Jesus name
Jerry Eze Prays- The first 7 days of the Month of May are coming with that testimony that sounds like a lie- Receive it right now let your Amen thunder
Jerry Eze says: Month of MAY
NSPPD Answer: I am a thousand times better
Jerry Eze says: Month of MAY
NSPPD Answer: I am a thousand times better
Jerry Eze says: Month of MAY
NSPPD Answer: I am a thousand times better
Jerry Eze says: Month of MAY
NSPPD Answer: I am a thousand times better