NSPPD MIRACLE SERVICE 23rd May 2022 Written down Prayer Points

NSPPD MIRACLE SERVICE 23rd May 2022 Written down Prayer Points



Prophetic Prayers and Declaration [NSPPD] – 23rd May 2022

  • I come in the name of the Lord
  • I appear in the name of the Lord
  • Jesus Jesus Jesus I show up in the name of the Lord
  • I conquer in the name of the Lord
  • I Emerge in the name of the Lord
  • I am better than I am in the name of the Lord
  • A fresh auction in the name of the Lord
  • The blood of Jesus God of miracles today whatsoever that does not look like you in my life around my destiny right now let it be reversed in Jesus name
  • Chapter of negativity right now I close you in the name of Jesus NSPPD DAILY 7 AM PRAYER
  • Only in the past week i see you all your siblings something went wrong, last week it went wrong if it sound like you drop a comment, all your siblings have decided to go on prayer and fasting by the Power that raises Jesus from the dead whatsoever it is any arrow the devil has sent against your family I announce it is broken right now in Jesus name
  • I hear you cry about surgery on your liver, I don’t know what they want to remove from your Liver as you return there be no need for that surgery in Jesus’ name
  • The Lord is showing mercy with people with Eye problems I even see someone that the flesh is covering your eye I don’t know what this means but the flesh is growing and trying to cover your eye, anyone in this NSPPD Prayer with eye problem I decree let it be reversed right now in Jesus name
  • NSPPD 7 AM Fire prayer let your Amen rise
  • Today I carry my evidence I may not have what they have but Oh Lord I carry my Evidence in Jesus name
  • This says the Lord it will not get worst than it is In Jesus name
  • Today throughout this week , any arrow of bad news today break break break break by fire in Jesus name
  • NSPPD TODAY thunder God of miracles arise avert and fight for me
  • God of NSPPD any repeated battles, battles I have fought again and again Never again today in the NSPPD miracle service I command those battles break break break
  • Pastor Jerry Declares – We decree repeated battles they are broken in Jesus name
  • Where others see nothing my eyes shall see treasures in Jesus name
  • Affliction will not come the second time
    The Lord is saying there seems to be someone the more you rise the more battles come up decree and declare let it broken – NSPPD let your Amen rise
  • Today the Lord is restoring any opportunities I have lost in Jesus name
  • Today powers that say I will not carry my miracles the devil is a lier I will not labor and another man harvest in Jesus name
  • I hear the Lord say I am causing a new you to emerge
  • Today I decree a new me is arising in Jesus name
  • Any old me in my life begin to tear in Jesus name
  • A more victorious you a more anointed you let it emerge in Jesus name
  • I command I dont know what they say that they will cut off your two legs? I don’t care what that problem is in the NSPPD miracle service I decree let that be reversed in Jesus name
  • If you are under the sound of my voice in this NSPPD God say am releasing the grace for you to grab it. The time for me to carry my evidence call your name Jerry rise Carry carry your testimony in Jesus name
  • At the sound of you amen whatsoever that seems impossible I decree, bring out your two hands, that thing you been looking for it enter your hands right now in Jesus name
  • I hear the Lord say am rolling it away that crisis am rolling it away
  • What is this am seeing, two brothers and sisters they all married, 4 of you, 4 siblings all married non of you is your marriage less than 3 years I decree between May and July whatever is that attack i command let it be broken right now
  • Thus says the God of divine settlement I will have more more this week , Today I announce more healing more deliverance, more fire, more anointing more grace this says the God of settlement I will have more I will have more ,more burst out for me in Jesus name
  • Your generation will not find you where they left you
  • More hunger for God, more passion, more steering, more sensitivity in Jesus’ name

NSPPD MIRACLE SERVICE 23rd May 2022 Written down Prayer Points

  • NSPPD Pastor Ogoh Declare – Carry your more for the Bible say the path of the just shall shine, carry your more, you shall never have better yesterday, in your business, health, finances more more more more In Jesus name
    Any power insisting where you are is where you remain, as you Amen thunders, let the thunder of heaven locate and scatter it in Jesus name
  • Pastor Jerry – The God of miracle is raining you more more more the Lord is giving your sister more, your brother more
    from this NSPPD Alter of prayer it’s your moment of More we decree carry your more in Jesus’ name
  • God of miracle any name of rise and falling any name of failure whatsoever is the bad name i been answering i renounce it I announce am not a failure am not the disappointment, any name I have carried for a long while I shake it out in Jesus name
  • For a long time you know your mother she suffer from seasonal mental issues, this one came over a year she has been violently and if you are the one and you believe the Power of God I command let that insanity disappear right now in Jesus name
  • Oh Prostrate Cancer I decree let it disappear right now in Jesus name
  • Who is this Woman am seeing? the day you where giving birth to your first child your husband was on the hospital bed and from that time the man has not stood up lakatahsaka what manner of attack is this against your husband? I decree and declare let it be reversed in Jesus’ name
  • Today God of miracle any member of my family that has not arrived at their settlement I push them in I command them enter by fire in Jesus be settled in Jesus name
  • NSPPD MIRACLE SERVICE 23rd May 2022 Written down Prayer Points

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