- Dry Bones will live again in Jesus name, I hear the Lord say these dry bones in your career will live again
- Lift up your hands NSPPD and say I prophesy over every area of dryness in my life resurrect by fire in Jesus’ name
- Lift up your right hand and declare A miracle will come out of it, every area of shame in my life, areas of loss a miracle will come out of it, right now I command errupt by fire by fire in Jesus name
- Hear the word of the Lord – A miracle will come out of it, why do I hear cancer of the bladder, I don’t know this person but as your Amen will thunder, cancer of the bladder by the power that raised Jesus from the dead I command be reversed in Jesus name. NSPPD lef tou Amen thunder. NSPPD PRAYER POINTS 6th June 2022 MIRACLE SERVICE
- Today every landmark of pain, every land mark of shame, that areas where people know its a landmark of negativity, a miracle is arising out of int in Jesus name – If you believe it thunder a bug Amen
- I dont know who you are, but you don’t have any problem but your Joy has been stolen, I don’t know what kind of heavy manipulation, I see you for 7 days you have not left your house, by the power that raised Jesus from the dead let this manipulation break in Jesus name
- I see the hand of God moving me from the hand of the natural to the Hand of the supernatural, today I am repositioned of the supernatural, NSPPD I move in the direction of the supernatural, I advance in Jesus’ name
- Today I announce I am bigger than where I am
- I hear the Lord saying Hannia is disappearing right now in Jesus’ name
- What do I see? your child had an attack last night, I see Himlay on the bed like a vegetable you don’t even know what was wrong, I see the child shaking in the night, the doctor says His pause very low, heartbeat very low, if you are the mother put it on the comment box after this post, by the Power that raise Jesus from the dead let that yoke be broken, let the heath of this child bounce back in Jesus name
- Right now, the garment of reduction, tear, tear in Jesus name. NSPPD PRAYER POINTS 6th June 2022 MIRACLE SERVICE
- I am bigger than where I am, I can be more, I can manifest more, right now, the garment of reduction, heat me tear, tear in Jesus name
- Today. by the miraculous power of God, any door that has closed on me, a bigger door open for me in Jesus name
- I prophesy for every dor the enemy closed in front of you I announce A bigger door is opening in Jesus name
- June, As I have arrived, I will not be a late comer, nothing will happen late for me in the month of June
- My prophecy in June you will not happen late, arrows of lateness what are you doing around my life, FIRE FIRE
- We decree the first 15 days of June 2022 shal be days of early satisfaction for me, You will not run late for me in Jesus’ Name
- That person they told you will go for a liver transplant that power is broken I command let your liver live again in Jesus name. NSPPD PRAYER POINTS 6th June 2022 MIRACLE SERVICE
- What did I just see, your mother and father were hit by stroke one day apart if you are the one say Pastor Jerry I am the one I the comment box. If you are the one, I speak to them I command whatever open for this negativity, let it be reversed in Jesus’ name
- What did I see, like a beautiful house but no light in it. The destiny of your family, this family house is meant to be bigger than what it is, great destinies are in that house but there is no light Lift up your right hand and scream LET THERE BE LIGHT
- Today the Golden density of my father’s house burst out, right now let there be light
- Pastor Ogoh Declare – Let there be light, any alter sponsoring darkness in that family to scatter by fire, any power that says there shall be no peace scatter by fire in Jesus name. Let your golden destiny burst out by fire, in your career, health, and politically, golden destiny burst out. Spiritual destiny burst out by fire.
Pastor Jerry Declares– A miracle will come out of it. I hear a voice crying Oh lORD Avenge me my adversary, I don’t know those who have exerted themselves over your life, they stood on your way, they blocked your way, by the power that rises Jesus from dead, I announce God of vengeance arise avenge in Jesus name – NSPPD PRAYER POINTS 6th June 2022 MIRACLE SERVICE
- I don’t know who you are but the Lord says let this word for you – The word of promotion you are walking it, as you get to the office unplaned promotion, emergency overturning in Jesus name.
- I hear the Lord say what you have conquered will not arise again In Jesus’ name
- The Lord says between where you are and where you are going, there are secretes your eyes are not yet open to, the things I will show you that will accelerate your journey, whatever you need to see for there to be a repositioning, as your Amen will thunder in today’s NSPPD prayers, Right now your eyes are open in Jesus name.
- From today Monday to Friday, they shall be called days of automatic settlement
- I don’t know who you are but they say they saw a mass in your heart I command let this Mass diaper in Jesus name
- Oh LORD the season of High favor in my Life is Now.
- Any wrong man or woman planted around your life, I command let tet wall be uprooted by fire in Jesus name
- I don’t know who you are but they say its a stage 4 Cancer Heaven is saying I am giving you a clean deal of health, Carry your clean deal of Health in Jesus’ name. NSPPD PRAYER POINTS 6th June 2022 MIRACLE SERVICE
- I hear the Lord say you are in a situation you always help others yet nobody helps you as your hands are lifted up right now receive help in Jesus name
- Today, Oh Lord any part that I am walking on that is not my destiny own oh Lord redirect me in Jesus name, any part that will be a trap fr me oh Lord redirect em in Jesus name. NSPPD PRAYER POINTS 6th June 2022 MIRACLE SERVICE
- The Lord si rebranding your glory, people will see you and wonder why are you looking so beautiful. THE GLORY of the Lord is covering you in Jesus’ name