OH LORD SHOW ME MERCY – Pt. 2 [NSPPD] – 12th May 2022
OH LORD SHOW ME MERCY – Pt. 2 [NSPPD] – 12th May 2022
- Oh Lord Show me Mercy
- Oh Lord Let your Mercy Arise and interrupt any circle of negativity in my life right now
- The Mercy of God is coming on anyone with goiter and I command let goiter disappear
- Lift up your two hands say Oh Lord show me mercy, say my father you will not allow your child to be stuck in the situation
- Say Oh Lord show me Mercy you will not allow your child to be tired down in negativity, you will not allow your child to remain under limitations
- Oh Lord by your mercy I break out – Open your mouth NSPPD and pray
- Pastor Jerry Eze Declares You are breaking out – Let your amen thunder let your Amen Rise
- Say Oh Lord, show me mercy Oh Lord your mercies are new every morning my father I cannot remain with the old Oh Lord your mercy are new every morning
- Oh Lord release newness in my life, release newness on my destiny
- My Father whatever represents the old in my life Oh Lord by your mercy I tear them by fire
- I don’t know who you are but they told you they are cutting off your two legs I don’t know what happen but by the mercies of God I announce that report is chaging in Jesus name
- Pastor Jerry Eze Declares I hear cancer of the Kidney By the power that raises Jesus from the dead I command let that cancer be terminated
- Oh lord by your mercies my labor will not be in vain
- The Mercy of The Lord is coming on every woman with the Cancer of the breast Let the mercy of God wipeout every breast cancer
- Lift up your two hands and say Oh Lord show me mercy, my strength has failed me, Oh Lord my labor has failed me, those that I know by connection
- Oh Lord i Come to the God of Mercy Oh Lord show me mercy Arse
- Oh Lord help me again
- Oh Lord anywhere my labor has failed me God of Mercy arise and show me mercy
- Oh Lord by your mercy change my identity do not allow me to remain where I am Oh Lord help me nsppd today 7 AM fire prayer
- Pastor Jerry Eze Declares- Lord we Ask of the God of mercy askababalababa that we may obtain mercy and help in time of need
- Lord where our labor cannot take us again where our capacity cannot carry us again Lord show us mercy
- Anyone that has been plagued by battles bigger than them anyone thats going through reproach anyone that is saying I will look up to the Lord where my help comes from Lord we call to you asking for Mercy
- By the mercies of God battles that are bigger than you, they are swallowed
- What your strength cannot give you by the mercies of God the hand of the Lord his mercies is coming and reaching and re-writing and making a difference in Jesus name
- Lift up your two hands and say Oh Lord show me mercy
- NSPPD Pastor Ugoh Prays – By Mercies carry your desired results, as your Amen shall thunder your steps shall produce a result
- Any phone call, you make shall produce a result
- By Mercies your proposal shall produce the result in Jesus’ name
- By MERCIES CARRY YOUR BABAY, you shall not waste your efforts
- As your Amen shall thunder any power that has carried your result they are roasted by Fire in Jesus name
- Oh Lord change my story
- Oh Lord whatsoever Men has known me for Lord change my story Let your Amen thunder let your Amen rise
- NSPPD TODAY Lift up your two hands and say oh Lord shoe me mercy do not allow me to be a victim of my own mistakes Oh lORD LET YOUR MERCY arise like a flood and wash away every opposition of your will in my life watsasover that want to wash away your agenda for my life
- Lift up your two hands and say Oh Lord show me mercy, by your mercy cancel every judgment against my life, physical judgment, spiritual judgment it is canceled in Jesus’ name