Prayer Points for NSPPD 16th June 2022


Prayer Points for NSPPD 16th June 2022

  • As your two hands are lifted I announce let giant in you rise in Jesus name
  • IT is your time it is your turn Let your Amen rise
  • I hear blood cloth in your heart, if you are the one put it on the comment box, by the power that raises Jesus from the dead I command ever blood cloth, let it be versed in Jesus name
  • I don’t know what happen but you cannot make use of your two hands, they are so weak, I don’t know what is going on with those two hands by the Power in Jesus’ name let this infirmity be reversed in Jesus name
  • Lift up your right hand in today’s NSPPD and say it is my time and my turn
  • Today powers that say I will see the same thing again and again, powers that say I will carry the same load, again and again, powers that say I will repeat the same thing again and again I say NO. Fire Fire Fire in Jesus name
  • It is your time it is your turn
  • Because His mercies are new every morning, He leadeth me be side still waters, I am walking through. Powers that say you will remain in the same play, tell the same story, are they not aware its your time and it is your turn. Let it be broken in Jesus’ name
  • That door that I have been waiting to open I command you to open by fire in Jesus’ name.
  • I don’t know who you are but there is this growth that come around your private area and it covers everything, passing urine becomes very difficult, you have try to cut it off 3 times it always comes back. Jesus the great physician is here, by the resurrection power I command let it disappear right now
  • I hear the Lord why is the approval delaying? are they not aware it’s your time and your turn, hear me as I hear the Lord carry your approval in Jesus’ name
  • I see this baby less than 1 year and they say this babay have Kidney failure if you are the mother put it on the comment setion, by the power that raises Jesus from the dead I decree let it be reversed in Jesus name
  • We release prophetic word from NSPPD let life return in that family in Jesus’ name
  • Lift up your right hand NSPPD 7 AM fire prayer It is my time and my turn, I am unstoppable
  • NSPPD Today I decree whatever on my way I command you move move, my family move in Jesus name. Your yesterday will not stop you, your past will not stop you in Jesus’ name
  • No Evil emergency in my life, powers that vow I will cry in the midst of my laughter I command you shut up in Jesus’ name.
  • Today I decree nobody will die in my family, that affliction wherever you see my name, my family by the blood of Jesus pass over by fire in Jesus name.
  • Powers that vow that suddenly I will shed tears of rejection in the moment of my lifting fire fure fire open your mouth and pray.
  • Before this NSPPD 7AM prayer hear me as I hear the Lord powers that tried to stop you I command them to bow in Jesus name.
  • The Lord is reversing every cerebral palsy
  • We command breast cancer, no more no more in Jesus’ name
  • Any form of ugly partterns, ugly circles in your life we comman let it be reversed in Jesus name
  • If you are under the sound of my voice and you got bad news in past 24 hours…. lababarba in the next 24 hours we comman that nad news to become a soud of Joy in Jesus name
  • Today is my time and my turn my reward comes in Jesus’ name
  • I announce carry your reward in Jesus’ name
  • Raise your right hand say It IS MY TIME AND MY TURN Oh Lord I Might not have what they have but mine will be preferred in Jesus’ name
  • In today’s NSPPD I announce a mantle of favor receive it right now.
  • Today I announce yesterday will never be better than today in Jesus’ name
  • The Lord will do a quick work in righteousness in my life
  • I Move by the speed of the Lord, Today whosoever has spoken words against my life be reversed in Jesus name
  • Somone seems to be running away with your garment of celebration somobody say any power or foundation trying to run away with my garment of celeration and my family you are alier whever you are, fire , fire fire in Jesus name
  • I announce no power of Hell no scheme of man, no enchantment as far as Jesus is on the throne, from today to another 21 days garment of your celebration begin to wear it in Jesus name
  • This time around I don’t care what they did the first time any door where they manipulate your advancement I decree such doors be closed in Jesus’ name
  • They said your heart is not pumping enough blood, I don’t know who you are I decree let it be reversed in Jesus’ name
  • It is my time and it is my turn in Jesus name.
  • Any Loin that has been posed to tear your life your ministry let their mouths be shut by fire in Jesus’ name
  • Wherever you are people of God share this post right now, copy the link Share it on social media for them to know about these prayer points NSPPDDAILY.COM
  • Today because is my due turn whatever that is missing in my life appears by fire in Jesus’ name
  • Its your time to cross over unto the other side of great anointing, higher consideration, it’s your due time to carry your babies in Jesus’ name
  • There is a family they told you they will move you out of that country at a set time hear me as I hear the Lord they will reverse that decision in Jesus’ name.
  • Somone thunder it is my time and my turn, no evil emergency Today Powers that vow I will cry in the mids of my laughter bow in Jesus name
  • My blood will not be spilled on the road my flesh will not be food for the enemy in Jesus’ name
  • Nobody will die in my family in Jesus’ name
  • Today, calamity, affliction hear me as I hear the Lord, wherever yous ee me or my family by the Blood of Jeus pass over by fie by fire in Jesus name

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