• The Blood of Jesus, I prophesy the Blood that speaks better things, the blood of Jesus, we come with the blood, blood of Jesus over the intersection f every NSPPDIAN in Jesus name
  • Today I decree from glory to Glory thus saith the Lord form Glory to Glory Now in Jesus name
  • I AANOUCNE THE coming days are better than the former, the coming hours are better than the former. I declare from glory to glory, Higher glory bust out in my life right now! right now Open your Month in this Monday at 7 AM NSPPD fire prayer
  • As your two hands are lifted I announce the coming days are better, in your health in your career they will be better in Jesus’ name.
  • Somone say I believe, right now I arise I shine for my light has come, the Glory of the Lord is risen upon me [put your name] Jerry Eze, today I advance in glory right now open your mouth nsppd and pray
  • Say whatsoever that has troubled my Life, my destiny, any troubler of my destiny, enough is enough in Jesus’ name
  • Any battle that has trouble my destiny enough is enough
  • Today any policy circle that has troubled my destiny troubled my heath FIRE FIRE FIRE
  • May your feet be lifted in Jesus name, you cannot be stranded in Jesus’ name. Move by the speed of the Holy Ghost.
  • Lift up your right hand say: From glory to Glory, my name is Redeemed, my name is raised, I decree I declare any evil load arabababsakaka
  • Pastor Ugoh NSPPD declares– Every troubler of your destiny arise and alap by fire, any deprivation you have suffered by reason of these troublers be restored in Jesus name. We raise a lord Fire of God to strike them down
  • Pastor Jerry Eze Declares – In this season you will not hear any sudden bad news in Jesus’ name In this season there will be no Evil advisory no evil occurrence in Jesus’ name
  • I HEAR cancer of the spine, if you are the one or connected to the person drop your testimony in the comment Box nothing is too hard for God, Oh ye cancer of the spine we command you be reversed in Jesus’ name
  • I see this child between 5 years and 6 but they said there is Diabetes, I don’t know the child but if you are the parent we decree over that Child that diabetis be reversed in Jesus’ name
    I hear over this woman they sad your womb us coming down, by the power that raises Jesus from the dead we declare be reversed in Jesus name.
  • I will not be slowed down in life ayayayay some of you this not the way you started it was pixking up suddenly you begin to slow down, there are powers slowing you down if this sound like you Thunder FIRE FIRE FIRE.
  • Anyone under the sound of my voice, whatever that has slowed down your career I hear the Lord say massive deliverance, whatever has slowed you down, some are mysterious but you know this not your true destiny I declare in Jesus name any distraction, any policy slowing you down we command break by fire break break break break.
  • I decree in the coming days there will not be any danger in Jesus’ name.
  • I don’t understand this, they said you had breast cancer, then they said Cervical cancer, is there no Balm in Gillied? Hear em whosoever that woman is I command let this affliction break by fire.
  • NSPPD I hear theLord say I remove the stammering tongue.
  • The Lord has asked me to renounce repeated rejection, I command break right now in Jesus’ name.
  • NSPPD Declare my name is on the list, my name is on that list, some of you in 24 hours you will understand why you are declaring this. Say oh Lord Overturn Overture in Jesus’ name. Your name is on that list.
  • A miracle an Instant miracle is coming out for me right now in Jesus name
  • I dont know who this woman is you’ve been seing your perioid when you go to the hospital they tell you that you been 4 months pregnant and you dont know, but the Lord will perform it, the zeal of the Lord will perform it.
  • There is someone who is praying Lord I am like sheep in the midst of wolves, thus said the Lord who can curse who I have blessed, who shall bring down who I have elevated? The Lord said never be afraid i have gone ahead of you, today I put a mark of a torch not the Nointed if they dare it the Lord said He will Fight for you
  • I don’t know who you are but i see Fungi infactions, I decree let it be reversed by Fire.
  • NSPPD lif your hand and say, God of miracles, I Am walking into my new, Every New you have lined up along my way Jerry Eze, Enter!!! [put your mame] your new, in Jesus name, new helpers, new career, new levels in Jesus name.
  • The Lord said why are you worried? I am your Voice
  • The Lord said I should tell you, everything will work in your favor.
  • The Lord said to mention 3 things you want the Lord to do for you – Every new 3 things you just told God behold he will do it.
  • People of God the prayer is going higher begin to share this post click on the share button send to someone share this page now don’t wait don’t postpone sharing this page for others to know about the typed prayer points. NSPPDDAILY.COM
  • I am not a spectator, Jerry Eze you are not a spectator. Whatsoever I need to be relevant i receive in Jesus’ name
  • Who is it that saith a thig when the Lord has not said it? any Ordinance form hell we command Angels with trumpet let them magnify your voice, your Voice shall sound like the sound of many waters, your voice shall be louder than others, your voice shall be preferred in Jesus name
  • Anyone operating in a wicked atmosphere in your workplace, an atmosphere of negativity, as your Amen thunder we declare such be reversed in Jesus name
  • It will be easier than you ever thought in Jesus’ name
  • The Lord said I am carrying you by my hands

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